Concentrate on the indicators that are most important to you: those that will help you achieve your business and marketing objectives. Focus on the social media postings that got the most clicks if your major social media goal is to drive more visitors to your website, blog, and landing pages.
Another wonderful strategy to generate content ideas is to research your business: competitors, industry influencers, and top publications; basically, any content that serves the same target audience as you.
This will not only assist you in coming up with content ideas, but it will also assist you in coming up with content ideas that will work. It's not about replicating their ideas and producing the same material; rather, it's about learning from their method to identify what works and what doesn't with your target audience.
Improving and updating older information, in particular, is a good idea for a variety of reasons. One major reason is because your audience initially enjoyed the content - clearly, there is a need for it. Second, regularly updated evergreen material is excellent for SEO; visitors will return to it long after it has been published, and other publications will link to it in their articles.
