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How To Choose The Right PPC Agency: 15 Questions To Ask

The blog examines the changing dynamics of paid search ads, notably on platforms like Google, where evolving algorithms add complexity to digital advertising. It suggests hiring adept PPC teams to navigate this landscape, acknowledging the hiring process's intricacies. The blog subsequently offers key questions to pose to potential PPC agencies before recruitment. These questions focus on verifying agency credibility, expertise, and alignment with business objectives

1.Effectiveness of PPC Advertising: Businesses ought to ask about the potential effects of Google Ads on their particular enterprise and the advantages it can deliver.

2.Google Partnership: Inquire whether the agency holds accreditation as a Google partner, indicating their proficiency and specialization in Google Ads.

3.Past Experience: Ask about the agency's track record in effectively handling comparable accounts or industries to assess their experience and proficiency.

4.Account Setup Time: Inquire about the timeframe needed for the agency to grasp your business and establish the advertising account, as any delays could affect budgets and schedules.

5.Campaign Optimization Strategy: Gain insight into the agency's campaign optimization strategy, encompassing budget definitions, robust account structure development, and the selection of impactful keywords.

6.Conversion Tracking, Including Calls:Ask the agency about their conversion tracking approach, particularly if phone calls play a crucial role in your business operations.

7.Remarketing Strategy: Gain insight into the agency's strategy for remarketing campaigns, tailored to your goals and specific audience segments.

8.Bidding Strategy for Cost Efficiency: Explore the bidding strategy that aligns with your business objectives and its potential to lower the cost per conversion through discussion.

9.Competitor Analysis and Automation Tools: Ask about the tools and extensions the agency uses for competitor analysis and campaign automation.

10.Discrepancies in Data between Google Analytics and Google Ads: Understand the reasons for data discrepancies between Google Analytics and Google Ads dashboards.

11.Handling Non-Performing Campaigns: Inquire about the agency's strategies to convert underperforming campaigns into successful ones.

12.Experience with Automated Bidding: Discuss the agency's experience with automated bidding and whether they use built-in settings or their own systems.

13.Dealing with Decreasing ROAS in Smart Shopping: For eCommerce, ask how the agency handles declining Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) in smart shopping campaigns.

14.Optimizing Data Feeds for eCommerce: Understand how the agency reviews and optimizes data feeds for eCommerce campaigns.

15.Ad Copy Strategy: Inquire about the agency's strategy for creating, testing, running, and optimizing ad copy, including their approach to content creation and testing.

The blog emphasizes the importance of these questions in helping businesses select the right PPC agency that aligns with their needs, goals, and industry trends. It also highlights the success of a particular agency, EvenDigit, and its track record in delivering results for clients. The key takeaway is that making an informed decision about a PPC agency can lead to better outcomes in digital advertising campaigns.


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